The How-To Heretic

A User's Guide to Life Beyond Religion

Whether you're just thinking about leaving your religion, or you're a dyed-in-the-wool decades-long atheist, your audio uncles Mark and Dan are here to help. With the aid of wise friends and experts in all sorts of fields, The How-To Heretic Podcast will guide you through the scary worlds of heathen living, and make sure you have fun in your new heretical life! We're here for you, friend; so kick off your shoes and join us!

033: Building Better Butter Towers


This week! Uncle Doug helps us bury a long-gone god, Uncle Mark hopes you'll indulge him, and Uncle Dan introduces us to a group of people who are good at wanting the apocalypse but bad at doing math!

Gok Tengri - Gokturk god - Graveyard of the gods, Asia, Russia

Catholic Indulgences, forgiveness for money, Pope

Meet the Seventh Day Adventists 

032: Gayer than a Bucket of Foreskins


This week! Professor Jim returns to show us how we can be right about a thing by being right about a thing, Uncle Mark wants us all to be wary of strangers with yellow cravats, and Uncle Dan gets Uncle Mark all sweaty with the gayest part of the Bible yet!

Confirmation bias fallacy - with Professor Jim

Meet the Thuggies, Indian murder cult, Hindu, Muslim, Kali 

David and Jonathan in the Bible, homosexuality, gay, love


031: Tip your Patriarch


This week! Uncle Dan lays his hands on some soft serve Mormon Magic, Uncle Doug Explains the slippery slope from banana beer to mass murder, and together we have what will be the first of several How-To’s about how to leave homophobia when you leave religion.

Mormon Patriarchal blessings, hot reading, magic, psychic

Ugandan Movement for the Restoration of the 10 Commandments of God cult, Africa, murder

How-To get over homophobia, Mormonism, pseudo science, suicide, oppression

030: Look out for Lamas!


This week! Uncle Uncle Dan can barely speak through his oily mouthful of dumb, Uncle Mark casts a hard eye on the world's totes most bestest person ever, and together we explore the positive benefits of spontaneous roadside circumcision. 

Oil pulling - Watch out for woo

Dalai Lama - Who is that? Tibet, China

Moses, the burning bush, circumcision, 10 commandments