The How-To Heretic

A User's Guide to Life Beyond Religion

Whether you're just thinking about leaving your religion, or you're a dyed-in-the-wool decades-long atheist, your audio uncles Mark and Dan are here to help. With the aid of wise friends and experts in all sorts of fields, The How-To Heretic Podcast will guide you through the scary worlds of heathen living, and make sure you have fun in your new heretical life! We're here for you, friend; so kick off your shoes and join us!

028: Look kids, crumbs!


This week! Uncle Mark sees Dan’s 10 Commandments and raises him to Mt. Gerizim, Uncle Doug shares the secret of the original under armor, and Uncle Dan makes some shitty food to celebrate a mass murder of children that didn’t happen but is still a terrible story. 

Samaritan 10th Commandment - Mt. Gerizim, Israel, Bible 

Mormon garments, magic underwear, sacred

Passover, first born, 10 plagues of Egypt, Pharaoh, blood of the lamb, Moses

027: What does the Fart say?


This week! Uncle Mark drags us some place Hell-enistic, Uncle Doug tells us four different stories of rising after 3 days before we wash our hands of the whole mess, and Uncle Dan introduces us to a god that has been speaking through all of us in surprising ways. 

Tartarus, Greek hell, Sisyphus, Tantalus, Prometheus

The four competing Easter stories, Gospels, crucifixion, resurrection, miracle

Matshishkapeu - Innu god - garden of the gods, farting

026: Where is John Frum from?


This week! Uncle Mark tracks down a very bizarre shipment, Uncle Dan gets his guts all wound up, and Page returns for the first of our How-To’s about the final curtain. 

John Frum, Vanuatu, Cargo Cults, world war II, military

St. Erasmus, St. Elmo, Catholic saint, martyr, torture, murder

How-To Death, mourn with Page

025: Of Oxen, Asses & 400 Drunk Boys.


This week! Uncle Mark shows us how to rock and party like it’s 900 AD in the Graveyard of the Gods. Uncle Dan wants so much in the Commandment of the Week, and Sarah Ponto Rivera from The Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction helps watch out for some insidious woo.

The 400 boys, Mayan god, drunkeness, party, crocodile, earthquake 

The 10th Commandement, coveting, wanting, ox, ass, manservant, maidservant

Recovered memory, The Satanic Temple, quackery, pseudo science, woo, abuse

024: Cathedrals of Cannibals


This Week, Uncle Doug gets up on his Rameumptom to yell about big buildings, Professor Jim stops by to see what's fallen through the cracks and Uncle Dan shows us one simple trick for for getting pan-fresh man-flesh every time.

Rameumptom, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith

God of the Gaps fallacy - with Professor Jim, science, superstition

Eucharist, Catholic sacrament, transubstantiation, cannibalism