The How-To Heretic

A User's Guide to Life Beyond Religion

Whether you're just thinking about leaving your religion, or you're a dyed-in-the-wool decades-long atheist, your audio uncles Mark and Dan are here to help. With the aid of wise friends and experts in all sorts of fields, The How-To Heretic Podcast will guide you through the scary worlds of heathen living, and make sure you have fun in your new heretical life! We're here for you, friend; so kick off your shoes and join us!

Filtering by Tag: Hinduism

145: The Hunchback of Vietnam


This week Uncle Mark takes us to sunny Vietnam to meet Coa Dai, Uncle Dan knocks over Saint Junipero and Uncle Doug tells us everything is not alright with the Alawites. 

Here is the article for the all Esperanto William Shatner film, Incubus (I know I misspoke when I called it Succubus, don't @ me!!)

124: Too Many Tyrants


This week! Uncle Dan thinks burning widows is a bad thing with Sati, Uncle Doug gives away a dinette-set in Square That Circle, and Uncle Mark wonders if Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot would dig our show (Answer, probably not)!