The How-To Heretic

A User's Guide to Life Beyond Religion

Whether you're just thinking about leaving your religion, or you're a dyed-in-the-wool decades-long atheist, your audio uncles Mark and Dan are here to help. With the aid of wise friends and experts in all sorts of fields, The How-To Heretic Podcast will guide you through the scary worlds of heathen living, and make sure you have fun in your new heretical life! We're here for you, friend; so kick off your shoes and join us!

044: Let’s talk about Abortion


This week! Uncle Dan buries a...well, a mystery sort of a thing, Uncle Doug introduces a pioneering new segment, and Dr. D rejoins us to help us figure out How-To think, talk and feel about abortion.

Sheela Na Gig - Graveyard of the gods, Celtic, fertility

Mormon Pioneer Day, handcart pioneers, Brigham Young, disaster

Abortion talk with Dr. D, reproduction, right to choose, women's health, reproductive freedom

Dr. D gave us some clarifying statistics, links and an interesting article on the medical ethics of abortion providers: